My office is located in the 2303 Wycliff Building on the 3rd floor. It is part of the Wycliff Collective, a floor of offices dedicated to various therapies and a warm environment for our clients. This is in the St. Anthony Park neighborhood of Saint Paul and is easily accessible from many parts of the Cities.
Southeast corner of the building. Parking lots are east and north of building, and another lot (not pictured) across the street.
There are many parking options for your appointment at 2303 Wycliff. You may park on the street in front of the main entrance, and there are dedicated parking lots next to, behind, and across the building. My office is located on the third floor. Building access is electronic, and requires a link from me to use from your smartphone. You can use either the front or rear entrance, and the stairs and elevator are near the north end of the building. If you would like to use the ramp to access our building, please use the parking lot behind the building.